Estudio Moltedo has developed a department specialized in Family Law, which is engaged in serving clients involved in a family-related conflict.

  • Prenuptial agreements and advice prior to marriage. Newly-enacted provisions under Law No. 26944.
  • Marriage annulments.
  • Advice on marriage-related disputes and spouses rights and duties.
  • De facto Separation: alimony, support and maintenance and suspension of cohabitation. Unilateral separation. Personal and financial consequences.
  • Divorce from the bonds of matrimony under Law No. 26994 / Legal separation and fault and no-fault divorce based on objective or subjective grounds.
  • Injunctive relief related to the family and property.
  • Home protection: award of the marital home, exclusion or return. Financial compensation.
  • Alimony: agreements, claim for support and maintenance between spouses, child support, support between relatives. Interim alimony. Enforcement. Modification, increase, reduction.
  • Child custody / Personal care. Agreements. Action. Custody and exercise of parental authority / parental responsibility. Shared custody. Modification of custody.
  • Visitation rights. Agreed between the spouses or awarded by the court. Child\\\'s needs and interests. Stability and modification. Relatives visitation rights.
  • Protection against domestic violence. Safety measures. Restraining orders. Exclusion perimeter. Provision of health and psychological care.
  • Actions designed to identify marital property and seizure. Restriction upon the administration and disposition of property. Actions affecting business companies.
  • Simulation and fraud between spouses.
  • Advice on marital partnership. Marital property regime / Separation of property regime. Actions. Classification of property. Consent for certain acts. Dissolution. Liquidation. Rewards or claims by the company against the spouses or by the spouses against the company. Liability for debts during marriage and liabilities of the marital partnership. Partition and distribution of assets. Partition agreements. Joint undivided ownership. Partial or final partition. Distributive shares. Partition modification or annulment.
  • Common law marriage / Domestic partnership. Acknowledgment and forfeiture of rights. Continuation of the lease and exclusion from the marital home. Protection against violence. Compensation for death. Financial agreements. Partition of joint ownership interests. Revocation of gifts. De facto business organization between domestic partners. Contributions during domestic partnership. Agency. Labor relationship. Pension rights.
  • Filiation: determination, acknowledgment, affiliation proceedings. Actions to contest and annul affiliation. Action to claim child-born-in-wedlock status. Action to challenge and deny matrimonial paternity. Action to challenge maternity.
  • Simple and full adoption. Guardianship. Requirements. Procedure. Single Registry of Applicants. Overseas adoption. Conversion.
  • Parental responsibility / Parental authority: rights and duties over minor children and their assets. Acts requiring consent from both parents. Repeated dissents and distribution of roles. Authorization to leave the country and to sue or be sued. Liability for torts committed by minor children. Administration and legal use of minor childrens property. Forfeiture and suspension of parental responsibility / parental authority.
  • Testamentary guardianship under a will or notarially-recorded instrument. Legal guardianship. Guardianship ad litem. Special guardianship for certain property or actions. Exercise, representation, guardianship, education, alimony, administration, acts requiring court authorization. Rendering of accounts, remuneration. Cessation. Removal.
  • Damages related to divorce and dissolution of common law marriage. Damages related to filiation and to various aspects of Family Law.

Beccar Varela, Bernardo María


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